Immediate Past President - Jane Martin

Jane’s substantive role is to lead the Food for Health Alliance, a partnership between Cancer Council Victoria, VicHealth and GLOBE – Global Centre for Preventative Health and Nutrition at Deakin University. The FHA advocates to governments across Australia for changes to policies to create a healthier food environments – the way our food is made, labelled, sold and advertised. She oversees the Cancer Council healthy weight campaigns, health professional training on weight and is involved in advocating for alcohol policy reforms at a Victorian and national level.

Jane has worked in public health advocacy for more than thirty-five years covering tobacco control, alcohol policy and obesity prevention. Her interests lie in research, knowledge translation and partnerships to support reform. She is active in the media as a commentator and advises state and federal governments on alcohol and obesity policy. She collaborates on research grants and authors academic papers, blogs and opinion pieces.

Jane was awarded the Public Health Association’s President’s Award in 2019 and a Deakin Honorary Doctorate for her contribution to public health advocacy in 2018. She is a not-for-profit board member and a Churchill Fellow.